"Mental Health is a Universal Human Right"
Department of Psychiatry
CME | Year - 2023 24 | 19 Oct, 2023

We are pleased to inform you that as a part of world mental health day,the department of Psychiatry conducted a CME on the theme "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right" on 10/10/2023 from 9am to 4pm. The brochure and event report is attached for your kind perusal.

world mental health day BROCHURE FINAL 2023-24.pdf /storage/1697696044.2441worldmentalhealthdayBROCHUREFINAL2023-243.mopp.pdf

World mental day 2023 SDUMC psychiatry department report...pdf /storage/1697696044.2457Worldmentalday2023SDUMCpsychiatrydepartmentreport...AXuI.pdf

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