
Center for Clinical Skills and Simulations

AHA Certified BLS & ACLS Workshop Show More

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A Clinician/Health care provider is defined by skill sets he/she possess. The emphasis on skill acquisition is the one of the fundamental requirement in providing competency based medical education to health sciences students, in fact it is the soul of competency based curriculum around the world. Clinical skills and simulation training is an essential link between medical student training and clinical experience and has proven to be an effective tool for assessing technical skills, critical thinking and team behaviour and is termed as Simulation Based Education (SBE). The SDUAHER Centre for Clinical Skills Simulation has been established to provide SBE to learners in obtaining technical skills and also non-technical skills such as leadership, team-work, communication, situational awareness, decision making and awareness of personal limitations.

Monitoring Committee (CCSS) – 2022-2023

Sl no Members Designation
1 Dr. K.N.V. Prasad
Professor of Peadiatrics
2 Dr. Rajesh.K
Asso Prof of Emergency Medicine
Member Secretary
3 Dr. Vinutha Shankar .M.S
Prof. &Dept. of Physiology & Vice Principal, SDUMC.
4 Dr. Rathnamma P
Prof. & Dept. of OBG, SDUMC.
5 DR. Sudha Reddy. V.R
Prof. & Head of Paediatrics
6 Dr. Arun.H.S
Prof. &Dept. of Orthopedics, SDUMC.
7 Dr.Dinesh.K
Prof. &Dept. of Anesthesiology, SDUMC.
8 Dr. Suresh.T.N
Professor of Pathology
9 Dr. Sagayaraj.A
Assoc. Prof of Otorhinolaryngology
10 Dr. Prakash Dave
Assoc. Prof of Surgery
11 Dr. Anitha.A
Asso Professor of Medicine
13 Dr. Ravi.M
Professor &Dept. of Anesthesiology, SDUMC.
14 Dr. Zeanath.C.J
List Of Skills
  1. Suturing and knotting.
  2. Laparoscopic Skills.
  3. Intestinal/vascular anastomosis.
  4. Tendon repair.
  5. Principles of fracture fixation.
  6. Neonatal resuscitation.
  7. Optical functions of the eye.
  8. Otoscopy/laryngoscopy/rhinoscopy
  1. Catheterization.
  2. Abdominal/thoracic paracentesis.
  3. Endotracheal/Nasogastric intubation.
  4. Suturing and knotting.
  5. CVP/chest tube insertion.
  6. CPCR Training.
  7. Labour techniques.

Simulation Stations at SDUAHER Centre for Clinical Skills Simulation (CCSS)

Department of CCSS has the following Simulation Stations with mannequins for

Workshop Conducted

Achievement of Academic Activities Centre for Clinical Skill and Simulations, SDUAHER, Kolar
(Period from 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023)

Catalogue Of Task Trainers And Mannequins