A Guest Lecture on Yoga for Menstrual Health
To Commemorate 9th International Day of Yoga Department of Integrative Medicine SDUAHER in collaboration with RLJCS & SUDCON organized a Guest Lecture on Yoga for Menstrual Healh on June 6th 2023 sponsored by Inter University Centre for Yogic Sciences Bengaluru. The resource person for the event was Dr.Lata Venkataram, Head of South O.B.G , Practicing in Rangadore Memorial Hospital. The invocation was sung by Dr.Usha Shenoy. The program was inaugurated by Dr.Lata Venkataram , Dr. Vijayalakshmi Principal SUDCON, Dr.Lakshmi Bhat Principal RLJCS & Dr.Vijayakumar.P.S , I/c HoD Department of Integrative Medicine. Dr.Lakshmi Bhat Principal RLJCS welcomed the gathering. Dr. Vijayakumar.P.S I/c HoD Integrative Medicine introduced the Chief Guest & resource person Dr.Lata Venkataram to the gathering. Dr.Lata Venkataram spoke about Menstrual health, hygiene and how Yoga can help in bettering of menstrual health. The program ended with the dignitaries felicitating Dr.Lata Venkataram and vote of thanks by Dr.Ashwin Bilagi Asst.Professor Department of Integrative Medicine SDUAHER.