The RL Jalappa Bioethics Centre of Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Kolar had organized a poster competition on the occasion of World Bioethics day on 27th November 2023. The theme for the posters was “Protecting future generations.” The event was open to all the students of the Academy.
13 teams participated in this competition and 13 posters were presented. The participants included both undergraduates and post graduates.
The posters were displayed th the department of Physiology between 2.00pm to 4 pm.
The posters were judge by Dr. Jagadamba.A, Professor and HOD of department of Physiology, SDUMC and Mr.A.V.Sumanth, Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology department, SDUAHER.
The posters were judged on the following criteria, for a total of 50 marks.
- Coverage of Topic - Details on the poster captures the important information about the current theme. (10 marks)
- Organization/ Logical Sequencing of Ideas - Organization of information with clear titles and subheadings. All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. (10 marks)
- Layout & Design- All information on the poster is in focus and can be easily viewed and identified from a distance. (10 marks)
- Mechanics -No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. (10 marks)
- Presentation of the topic to the judges. Rate for confidence and knowledge (10 marks)
Time allotted was 5 minutes for each presentation.
3 posters were adjudged winners.
The winners (the names of the presenters only) are:
- Dr.Nakkara Rachana (Ophthalmology PG)
- Dr.Kagitapu Om Sai Priya (Ophthalmology PG)
- Ms.Raashita (I MBBS)
- Ms.G.Sneha (BPT)
- Mr.Gnaneshwar (AHS)
Certificate of participation were issued to all the participants.