Awards & Honours
Name of the faculty and Designation Name of the Award Awarding agency MONTH AND YEAR
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Jeyaraman DISTINGISED ACADMEICIAN AWARD The Indian association of physiotherapists (National professional association) Mar-20
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Jeyaraman BEST TEACHER AWARD The Indian association of physiotherapists, Salem Sep-18
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Jeyaraman ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD Bangalore physiotherapist network, Bangalore Jul-18
Dr. Sarulatha.PT SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION AWARD The Indian association of physiotherapists (National professional association) Mar-20
Dr. Naveen Kumar I. PT YOUNG ACHIEVER AWARD The Indian association of physiotherapists (National professional association) Mar-20

Students Awards
UG Student names Achivements EVENT
Yogesh Short film contest – 1st place World bioethics day 2021
sneha Short film contest – 2nd place World bioethics day 2021
anjali Short film contest – 3rd place World bioethics day 2021
Joan National poster completion – 3rd place World hearing day 3 march 2022
Ayesha WON POSTER COMPETION 2022 EBEST 2022 24MAY 2022
sathiya WON POSTER COMPETION 2022 EBEST 2022 24MAY 2022
Ms. Prithvi J. 3rd place in all India painting competition Organized by INDIAN SPEECH-LANGUAGE AND HEARING ASSOCIATION,2021.

Program Education Objective & Program Outcome
PEO Description
PEO 1 Technical Knowledge and Skill: To educate students with the understanding of Physiotherapy, and to build foundation for theories and practical in the areas of Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, Exercise therapy, Electro therapy, Orthopedics, Neurology, Cardio-pulmonary, Sports, Research and to develop students’ design skills through Good Laboratory Practice.

PEO 2 Higher Studies and Life-long Learning: To provide students with sufficient breadth and depth in Physiotherapy and related areas. To keep up the high standards, value the recent research and apply the best available evidence to their everyday practice, and to enable for higher studies and lifelong learning programs

PEO 3 Societal Context, Ethics and Communication Skills: To make the students think of technical solutions for social needs improving living quality with ethical responsibilities in Industry/Government organizations, and to develop students’ communication skills to undertake professional responsibilities & multidisciplinary team works.

Program Outcomes

Program outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviour that students acquire through their program. Through the achievement of the course aims and learning outcomes, the physiotherapy graduates of Dept of physiotherapy, SDUAHER will demonstrate the following program outcomes.

PO-1 Basic and Clinical Science Knowledge Integrate concepts from the basic sciences, behavioural science, and

clinical sciences into Physiotherapy services.

PO-2 Physiotherapy Knowledge Integrate the basic and clinical science knowledge in relevant

Physiotherapy therapeutics applications.

PO-3 Problem Analysis Complete a comprehensive examination/re-examination and

interpret the examination data/ clinical findings to determine a

Physiotherapy diagnosis and prognosis.

PO-4 Plan & Development i\Interventions Collect and critically evaluate data with clinical reasoning to apply

in the delivery of care, practice management with the theoretical

and scientific basis for the promotion and enhancement of the

mobility, health, and well-being of the clients.

PO-5 Physiotherapy & Community Provide services and information related to health promotion,

fitness, wellness, health risks, and disease prevention within the

scope of Physiotherapy practice.

PO-6 Research Demonstrate research-related skills in the application of the

best practice evidence in the delivery of Physiotherapy services

along with interdisciplinary approach.

PO-7 Ethics & Professionalism Exhibit professional conduct and behaviours that are consistent

with the legal and ethical practice of Physiotherapy.

PO-8 Communication Demonstrate compassion, caring, integrity, and respect in all

interactions with patients, family members, and health

care providers.

PO-9 Individual & Team Work Collaborate with patients, caregivers, and other health care

providers to develop and implement an evidence-based holistic

plan of care.