
The departments offers Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Master of Physiotherapy and Ph D in physiotherapy program

(B.P.T) Bachelor of Physiotherapy program four years (eight semesters) of academic and clinical learning along with six months of rotatory Internship. The internship is exclusively for clinical work at the parent institution. The program includes Pre and Para clinical and clinical courses like anatomy, physiology, pathology, microbiology, general medicine, general surgery, pharmacology, neurology, pediatrics, women’s health & community medicine that provide a foundation for understanding the pathology and clinical presentation of diseases and disabilities in a patient. The PT core courses like Biomechanics, Exercise Therapy, Electrotherapy, PT Cardio, Exercise Physiology, PT Ortho & Sports, PT Neuro, PT women’s health & Pediatrics and Community Based Rehab focuses on examination, diagnosis and PT techniques required for a competent physiotherapist. B.P.T program delivered through student centric methods including classroom lectures, flipped classrooms, demonstrations, bed side teaching, seminars, workshops, case discussions, experiential learning, group discussions, journal clubs and conferences.
One of the salient features is inclusion of ethics, research methodology as core course in the UG curriculum and capstone project completion at 8th semester. Along with the core curriculum elective courses focusing on communication skills, computer technology, personality and interpersonal skills prepares them for industry readiness.

Sl no Program Year Semester Semester
1. First-year 1st semester – core subjects 2ndsemester – core subjects
1. Anatomy 1. Biomechanics
2.Physiology 2. Biochemistry
3. Psychology & sociology
2. Second-year 3rdsemester – core subjects 4th semester – core subjects
1. Microbiology and pathology 1. Pharmacology
2. Exercise therapy 2. Electrotherapy
3. Research methodology and Bio-statistics 3. General medicine & cardio-respiratory conditions
4. General surgery & cardiothoracic conditions
3. Third-year 5thsemester – core subjects 6th semester – core subjects
1. Clinical orthopedics, traumatology & Rheumatology 1. Physiotherapy in musculoskeletal conditions and rheumatology
2. Physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions & general conditions 2. Physiotherapy in sports and advanced mobilizations
3. Exercise physiology, health & fitness 3. Women’s health and geriatrics
4. Fourth-year 7thsemester 8thsemester
1.Clinical neurology & neurosurgery 1. Community Medicine
2. Physiotherapy in neurological conditions 2. Community & Geriatric Physiotherapy
3. Physiotherapy in Women’s Health & Pediatrics 3. Prosthetics & Orthotics
5 5th year
6-month compulsory rotatory internship

Post Graduate Program In Physiotherapy

Master Of Physiotherapy (MPT)
The Masters Degree in Physiotherapy is a two year program consisting of classroom teaching, self academic activities and clinical posting. In the first year theoretical basis of physiotherapy is refreshed along with research methodology and biostatistics. The students are rotated in all areas of clinical expertise during this period. They are required to choose their study for dissertation and submit a synopsis. During the second year the students will be posted in their area of specialty. They are required to complete and submit their dissertation. The learning program includes seminars, journal reviews, case presentations, case discursions and classroom teaching. Some of the clinical postings are provided at other reputed centers in the country in order to offer a wider spectrum of experience. The students are encouraged to attend conference, workshop to enhance their knowledge during the course of study. University examinations are held at the end of second year.

  • Master of Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal disorders and Sports Physiotherapy (MPT-MSS)
  • Master of Physiotherapy in Neurological sciences (MPT-NPD)
  • Master of Physiotherapy in Cardio-Respiratory Disorders (MPT-CRD)
  • Master of Physiotherapy in Community and rehabilitation (MPT-CPT)
  • Master of Physiotherapy in Pediatrics (MPT-Ped.)

Eligibility For Admission
Candidates who have passed B.Sc. (PT) or BPT degree from institutions where the mode of study is a full time program, with minimum 3½ years / 4 ½ years duration from this university or any other recognized university by UGC in India or abroad as equivalent with not less than 50% of marks in aggregate and have completed 6 months of compulsory rotating internship in a recognized Physiotherapy Colleges/university are eligible. Candidates who have passed BPT through correspondence or Distance Education program are not eligible.


Candidates who have passed BPT through Bridge Course or through Lateral Entry after completing their Diploma in Physiotherapy from institutions where the mode of study is a full time program from this university or any other recognized university by UGC in India or abroad as equivalent with not less than 50% of marks in aggregate have completed 6 months of compulsory rotating internship in a recognized Physiotherapy Colleges/university are eligible. Candidates who have passed BPT through correspondence or Distance Education program are not eligible.

  • Preparation of a postgraduate student towards his/her professional autonomy with self regulating discipline at par with global standards
  • Formation of base of the professional practice by referral as well as first contact mode using evidence based practice.
  • Impartation of research basis in order to validate techniques & technology in practice to physiotherapy.
  • Acquainting a student with concept of quality care at the institutional as well as the community levels.
  • Inculcation of appropriate professional relationship in multidisciplinary set up, patient management and co partnership basis.
  • Preparation of students to address problems related to health education and community physiotherapy.
  • Practicing the concept of protection of rights of the community during referral as well as first contact practice.
  • Incorporation of concept of management in physiotherapy.
  • Experience in clinical training and undergraduate teaching partly.
  • Providing the honest, competent and accountable physiotherapy services to the community.

Objectives Of The Master Of Physiotherapy (MPT) Program: This program focuses on facilitating physiotherapy students to acquire ample knowledge, skills and clinical hands on practice eventuating the capacity to formalize an independent professional practice in the focused areas of interest. The following are the objective of the Master in physiotherapy program :

    This program will enable the student to -
  • Perform efficient physiotherapy assessment & appropriate diagnosis to identify the impairment of body structure, body function, environmental and personal factors and to address the activity limitations and participations restrictions.
  • Plan and implement ethical, evidence & need based, effective Physiotherapy treatment to clients with an array of conditions across the lifespan and the continuum of care, to all people irrespective of gender, caste, nation, states and territories, region, minority groups or other groups in acute, chronic cases, critical care, independent practice including health promotion and prevention.
  • Prevent impairments, activity limitations, participatory restrictions and disabilities in individuals at risk of altered movement behaviors due to health factors, socio-economic stressors, environmental factors and lifestyle factors and maintain/restore optimal function and quality of life in individuals with movement disorders.
  • Modify environmental, home and work access and barriers to ensure full participation in one’s normal and expected societal roles.
  • Become an essential part of the health and community/welfare services delivery systems; practice independently of other health care/service providers and also within interdisciplinary rehabilitation/habilitation programs.
  • Undertake independent research in the field of physiotherapy.
  • Provide adequate knowledge about the treatment procedures and its benefit. Able to transfer knowledge and skills to students as well young professionals.
    At the completion of the program, the post graduate physiotherapy student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate skill in Physical & Functional diagnosis pertaining to patient under his/her care.
  • Demonstrate ability to make clinical decision (based on evaluation) regarding Physiotherapy strategy techniques and select appropriate outcome measures based on the comprehensive knowledge of specialty.
  • Demonstrate ability to critically appraise recent physiotherapeutic and related literature from journals & adopt diagnostic & therapeutic procedures based on it.
  • Implantation of research basis in order to validate techniques & technology in practice to physiotherapy.
  • Address problems related to health education and provide competent and accountable physiotherapy services to the community.
  • It inculcates appropriate professional relationship in multidisciplinary set up, patient management and co partnership basis.
  • Display professional autonomy with self regulating discipline at par with global standards.
  • Formation of base of the professional practice by referral as well as first contact mode using evidence based practice.
    Graduate attributes are developed in conjunction with physiotherapy specific knowledge, skills and attitude. They include
  • Comprehensive and well founded knowledge of physiotherapy profession.
  • Capacity for independent critical thought, rational inquiry and self directed learning.
  • Cognitive, analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Cultural competence with ethical and social responsibility based on understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity and respect for patient’s rights and dignity.

The following post graduate attributes are considered as “essential requirements” to strengthen abilities of a Physiotherapist for widening knowledge, skills and abilities through meaningful learning experiences, and critical thinking. These attributes are necessary for completing the professional education enabling each post graduate to develop expertise in the specialty area and offer exclusive services in clinical practice.
Some of the characteristic attributes that a post graduate should demonstrate are as follows:

    The student must demonstrate enhanced cognitive learning skills, ability to receive, interpret, remember, reproduce and use information in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning to solve problems, evaluate work, and generate new ways of processing or categorizing similar information listed in course objectives. To develop expert clinical reasoning and be able to function as a consultant as well as expert clinician in the specialty.
    Be able to effectively communicate information and safety concerns on conditions, procedures, home programs with patients, peers and colleagues in a timely manner within the acceptable norms of settings.
    Will apply analytical thought to a body of knowledge , analyze based on empirical evidence, draw relevant assumptions or implications , formulate arguments, critically evaluate policies and theoretical framework and formulate a scientific approach to knowledge development.
    Will demonstrate capacity to extrapolate theoretical knowledge and apply competencies gained to solve problems and real life situations.
    Will evaluate reliability and relevance of evidence, synthesize data, assess validity of arguments supporting hypothesis, debate theoretical frameworks, draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence
    Present results of the experiment in form of scientific peer reviewed publications and demonstrate a sense of scientific enquiry and reflective thinking.
    Will demonstrate ethical values related to patient care, work practices, unbiased actions in all aspects of work and refrain from malpractice, unethical behavior, falsification, plagiarism, misinterpretation of data.
    Participate as team player in multidisciplinary teams, display professional and personal integrity and honesty and exhibit self reflection and self awareness.
    Will demonstrate ability to acquire knowledge and skills through continuous learning, participation and engagement in self paced, self directed learning and education programs focused at personal and professional skill development.
  • The department has 3 research supervisors available for Ph D scholars. For further information Kindly see the details listed under Ph D programs.