Title of article | Type of Article (e.g. Original Article) | Name of Journal | Authors | Mention Index. Mention PubMed , Scopus,Web of Science, Index Copernicusb |
Effectiveness of functional training in improving function of facial muscles in people with facial palsy due to trauma | Orginal Article | Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences | Naveen Kumar. I | Index Copernicus |
Effect of Mulligan’s mobilization with movement and eccentric exercises for lateral epicondylitis in recreational tennis players. July 2021 | Orginal article | Trends in Sports science | Sarulatha H | scopus |
Review on the Effect of Mobilization-With-Movement and Eccentric Exercise in Lateral epicondylosis. June 2021 | Review | JCBS | Sarulatha H | Index copernicus |
Does strength training improve quality of life and balance related confidence in older adults? March 2022 | Orginal article (Phd study) | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | Sarulatha H | scopus |
Effect of motor dual task training over progressive resisted exercises on balance and mobility in elderly people. /IJCRR.2021.131011 May 2021 | Orginal article (Phd study) | International Journal of Current Research and Review | Sarulatha H | scopus |
Relationship between core muscle endurance, functional capacity and fall in OA knee patients with co-morbidities. Jan 2022 | Orginal article | International journal of biology, pharmacy and allied sciences. | Sarulatha H | Web of science |