Title of article Type of Article (e.g. Original Article) Name of Journal Authors Mention Index. Mention PubMed , Scopus,Web of Science, Index Copernicusb
Effectiveness of functional training in improving function of facial muscles in people with facial palsy due to trauma Orginal Article Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences Naveen Kumar. I Index Copernicus
Effect of Mulligan’s mobilization with movement and eccentric exercises for lateral epicondylitis in recreational tennis players. July 2021 Orginal article Trends in Sports science Sarulatha H scopus
Review on the Effect of Mobilization-With-Movement and Eccentric Exercise in Lateral epicondylosis. June 2021 Review JCBS Sarulatha H Index copernicus
Does strength training improve quality of life and balance related confidence in older adults? March 2022 Orginal article (Phd study) Research journal of pharmacy and technology Sarulatha H scopus
Effect of motor dual task training over progressive resisted exercises on balance and mobility in elderly people. /IJCRR.2021.131011 May 2021 Orginal article (Phd study) International Journal of Current Research and Review Sarulatha H scopus
Relationship between core muscle endurance, functional capacity and fall in OA knee patients with co-morbidities. Jan 2022 Orginal article International journal of biology, pharmacy and allied sciences. Sarulatha H Web of science