Student Affairs

Student Capability Enhancement And Skill Development
Capability enhancement is defined as an increase in the ability of systems to organize and deliver an effective learning that is relevant for the environment, potentially increasing the interest of learners to practice in that environment. Development of a field implies creation of a critical mass of individuals involved in the production of new knowledge, scholarly debate, and generating a pathway for career advancement. Soft skills are understood to include interpersonal and social skills in a caring, professional doctor-patient relationship, communication skills, and professional and ethical attitudes. The development of these skills is intricately interwoven with the promotion of personal and professional development of a medical student.
Capability Enhancement Programs And Other Skill Development Schemes
Soft skill development
  1. Empowering youth through life skills
    To facilitate and empower the medical students NSS cell of Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Kolar in association with the Department of Anatomy of Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar organized the sensitization program “EMPOWERING YOUTH THROUGH LIFE SKILLS” on 11.12.2018. The sensitization program was based on Kolb’s Learning Cycle/experiential learning technique, which is the best mode of learning by experiencing the thoughts on their own
    Empowering youth through life skills-Click Here
  2. Clinical skill and simulations
    The clinical skill and simulation lab is equipped for training undergraduates, interns, and postgraduates. BLS, CPR, and CPCR workshops are regularly done to train the students as well faculty of the university.
    The skill lab also has mannikins for demonstration and hands-on training for intravenous infusion, lumbar puncture, retinal examination, and neonate and for demonstration of steps of labor.
    Year wise Academic Skill Development Schemes
  3. Computer skills module during Orientation course for I MBBS students
    Orientation courses for a fresh batch of first-year MBBS students are done every year. During this course, the students are trained through various skill enhancement programs. Through the Computer skills module, the students imbibed the basic IT skills through hands-on training sessions conducted in the digital library. The students were acquainted with the three basic software’s of MS Office namely MS Word, MS Excel, and Powerpoint. The various functions and tools that can be employed in a word document, excel spreadsheet, and a slide were explained and demonstrated to the students. Finally, they were given a task to create a PowerPoint presentation on any topic of their choice.
Language and communication skills development
  1. Language and communication skill development during orientation courses for I MBBS students
    Orientation courses were done for First MBBS students every year. During the language module, classes were conducted every day to teach the local language. The instructors held interactive sessions with students to teach them vocabulary and correct pronunciations of words and sentences used in day-to-day in addition to those used during medical examination of a patient. Further, they were shown videos on healthy patient-doctor interaction with the objective of helping them learn the appropriate language, expression, body language, and caring touch to be employed when treating an ailing patient.
  2. Language and communication skill development during orientation course for II MBBS students
    Second-year MBBS students will have orientation courses every year during which they are taught about the art and science of history taking. It is also emphasized to have a good rapport with the patients more so in the local language and to acquire good communication skills in order to take a detailed history and arrive at a clinical diagnosis. The faculty explained the communication and behavioral skills as well the importance of empathy with the patient and patient relatives
  3. Language and communication skill development during orientation course for interns
    The orientation course conducted for new interns every year focused on the role and behavior of interns in emergencies, bedside, and in the operation theatre. The faculty explained the importance of language and communication skills during emergencies with the patient and patient attenders. The better ways to communicate and explain the seriousness of the patient, during referral and also importantly while disclosing the news of death to patient attenders
  4. Clinical communication skills for interns
    The session was conducted by Dr. Indu Arneja, Director, Indian Institute of Health care and communication Q group on 21-02-2020 and 25-02-2020 respectively. She explained that communication is not a nicety and clinical communication involves interaction with the patient, the patient’s family, and all involved healthy personal. She also emphasized that communication in health care which was once straightforward forward has now become a unique entity of its own because of changing trends in society and their implications.
Yoga as a skill development course
  1. For MBBS, BPT, AHS, and Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
    The yoga department is offering regular classes for MBBS, BPT, and Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. The teaching hours are included in the curriculum for BPT. In this course, the students will learn the principles and effects of yoga and its uses in medical conditions. They are also able to explain the fundamental principles of Yoga, explain the benefits, indications, and contraindications of different Asanas, pranayama, Meditation, Shatkriyas (Cleansing techniques), demonstrate basic Yoga practices (Sukhma Vyayama, Asanas, pranayama), explain therapeutic applications of Yoga in Physiotherapy, the role of Yoga in Self-management of Stress and better academic performance.
  2. World youth day celebration
    World youth was celebrated on the occasion of the Birthday of Swami Vivekananda. The occasion was organized by the Department of Yoga and the youth was given the message to be fit and healthy for the progress of the nation as today’s youth are the future citizens.
Analytical skill development
  1. Research methodology workshop for postgraduate students
    During the workshop, the students were divided into groups and two to three moderators were allotted for each group to discuss the title of the study, introduction, review of literature, and objectives. Later the students presented the modified synopsis in their respective groups. Feedback was collected. Session about sample size calculation and various statistical tests that can be applied in the research and writing the references were held.
  2. Analytical skill development during orientation courses for I MBBS students
    These sessions were aimed at orienting students about their roles as doctors in society. The students were explained about the seriousness of the profession as they would be dealing with the lives of the patients and they were also explained that there was no room for mistake. They were also explained about the consequences of medical negligence and judgmental errors by the doctors. The students were given certain cases to study and allowed to analyze the mistake and problems in the case.
Human value development
  1. Human value development during orientation courses for I MBBS students
    During the orientation course for first MBBS students the application of ethics in medicine, Medical education/biomedical research/patient care, and treatment were discussed. The Principles of bioethics on the universal declaration on bioethics and human rights human dignity and rights/benefit and harm/autonomy and individual responsibility/consent/persons without the capacity of consent/privacy and confidentiality/Respect for Human vulnerability and personal integrity/equality/ justice/ equity/nondiscrimination/non-stigmatization/ solidarity/ cooperation/ protection of environment/ sharing of benefits were also discussed.
  2. Human value development during orientation course for II MBBS students
    Every year an orientation course for III term students was conducted by the University Department of Medical Education (UDOME). The importance of empathy was explained during the program. The faculty also presented the Elements of Medical Ethics using various case scenarios
  3. Human value development during orientation course for Interns
    During the orientation course for interns, the faculty conducted a session on Medical Ethics and Consumer protection during which the aspects on ethical issues involved in patient care and also gave information regarding tackling medico-legal issues.
  4. Sensitization and Training of Gender Champions
    A formal training program was organized to equip and empower the gender champions on 04-03-2020. This included IEC material pertaining to information about gender stereotypes, various forms of gender-based discrimination, gender equity and equality, legislations, life skills, etc. About eight participants attended the program. The counselor Mr. Gururaj Rao, trained the gender champions with his presentation on gender stereotypes, women’s harassment at workplace, legislation. The training was participatory and interactive to enable the gender champions to further sensitize students, the peer group in the institution on gender issues.
Personality and professional development
  1. Personality and professional development during orientation courses for I MBBS students
    There was an interactive session on professionalism, ethical and professional behavior during the orientation course for first MBBS students. The importance of professionalism and the ethical behavior was the main focus. The students were divided into groups in this session and were given cases to discuss the unethical issue in each one. Stress management, time management, and interpersonal relationship were conducted during the professionalism and ethics module
  2. Personality and professional development during orientation course for II MBBS students
    The second MBBS students during orientation programme had a session on professionalism during which the principal advised the students to be professional by being sincere, dedicated and focused towards learning objective. The faculty also highlighted about the importance of self-directed learning and evidence based medicine.
  3. Personality and professional development during orientation course for Interns
    The new interns during a session on the professionalism were advised to follow guidelines for good clinical practice and encouraged the interns to take up new research projects during internship which will help them to acquire knowledge and skills regarding recent advances.
  4. Value added course on Research Methodology
    The value added course was offered to the undergraduate medical students of fourth, sixth and eighth term on 14-06- 2020, 21-06-2020 and 28-06-2020 respectively.
    The contents covered in the first lecture were research question, hypothesis, variables and framing objectives. This was followed by hands on training in literature search using electronic media where students were demonstrated to use PubMed engine for literature search. The next session was on ethics and informed consent form which covered the principles of ethics in research. The fourth lecture was on reference writing where importance of reference writing, citation, bibliography and plagiarism were demonstrated. The last lecture was regarding protocol writing which summarized the different parts in protocol.
  5. Value added course in Community Research
    The session started with the students taking part in the ‘pre-test’ through the Google form links. The first session started with providing a brief overview to ‘community research’ and a revision on ‘Quantitative study designs’. This was followed by the session on ‘Probability & Non-probability sampling designs’ The next session focused on understanding the ‘Qualitative study designs’ and also the various ‘Tools used ‘ in Qualitative Research’, Practical aspects involved in the usage of these tools were discussed. Finally, a session on conducting ‘Data analysis in Qualitative Research’, was done along with the ethical aspects in qualitative research. There was a live demonstration on conducting qualitative analysis. Once the sessions were completed a ‘Post-test’ was conducted along with capturing their anonymous feedback using google forms.
  6. Value added course on Self Management Skills, Relationship Management, and Brain based skills and Neuro linguistic Programme (NLP).
    Mrs Manjula Shrikanth conducted the session for 16 hours on 23rd and 24th June 2020. In Self-Management Skills session the students were guided on Managing healthy life style, healthy routine, daily habits, balanced food, sleep, water consumption, meditation, physical exercise, listening to music, reading books, gardening, playing with pet, building quality network of friends.Brain Based Learning session aimed at the concepts of Creative thinking, Critical thinking, methods and the techniques. The idea generating questions, block busting techniques and brainstorming. Neuro Linguistic Programming session techniques like swish technique, glitch technique, visual squash technique, anchoring, mirroring and matching, Reframing techniques, meta modal, time and sub modalities, listening, BEAT pattern, META Patters, BURT Technique, Frames method, ABC Strategy were presented to the students
  7. Value added course on Pain and Palliative Care
    The Value added course on pain and palliative care was conducted on 03-06-2020. The course objective was to explain fundamental concepts in Pain and Palliative care. The course was for 2 days which includes 16 hours of lecture and group activity covering anatomy, pathophysiology, and assessment, treatment of acute and chronic pain. It included identifying the symptoms, signs, diagnosing and providing the treatment of various systems in patients with life threatening illness
  8. Value added course on relationship management
    The value-added course on relationship management was conducted by Mrs. Geetha Shankar on 23rd and 24th June 2020. The objective of the training was to drive home the point that if the skills were learnt and mastered, success is bound to happen in our relationships – be it at Colleges with friends, at work with employees, coworkers, teammates, customers and at home with friends and family. It was highlighted that self-development or personal growth can contribute to maturity, success and satisfaction. Personal development skills like qualities and abilities that help every individual to grow both personally and professionally and maximize the potential.