World No Smoking Day
12 Mar, 2025Report on Commemoration of No smoking day in college campus and RLJH On the occasion of World No Smoking Day, the Department of Community Medicine organized an awareness rally within the College Ca...
World Leprosy Day was observed by the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy on 31st January 2025 with the theme “Unite ,Act and Eliminate Leprosy”. The event commenced with a welcome address by Dr. Suresh Kumar .K ,Associate Professor Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, who welcomed the dignitaries, faculty, students, patients and their attenders to the event.
Dr. Rajashekar T.S., Professor and HOD of Dermatology addressed the gathering and gave a speech on the elimination of leprosy and highlighted the measures taken by the Indian Government to eliminate the leprosy . The next speaker was Dr.Hanumanthayya K, Senior Professor who crerated awareness abouth leprosy and its elimination.Dr.Murugesh S.B spoke on early diagnosis and treatment of the leprosy and how the number of leprosy cases reducedcover the years. This was followed by a speech by Dr.Krishnappa.J, Medical Superindent, RL Jalappa Hospital who emphasized on the role of counselling in leprosy patients especially children and their families and about the eradication of leprosy.A skit was performed by the Under Graduate students to bring awareness among leprosy patients and general population .Prizes were distrubuted to the winners of quiz for both Under Graduates and Post Graduate students .Leprosy self care kits and educational pamphlets were distributed by the dignitaries to the leprosy patients and their attenders to create awareness for patients with leprosy. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Vaishnvavi B.V.
World Leprosy Day was also conducted on 1st February 2025 at Government Higher primary School,Holamballi , Kolar District, Karnataka.
Dr. K. Hanumanthayya, Senior Professor of Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy gave a lecture on the importance and the role of the youth in early diagnosis and prevention of leprosy. He also spoke about the social stigma and myths attached to leprosy. Educational Pamplets and pens were distriibuted to the school students and took the pledge to end the discrimination towards leprosy, followed by interactive session with the students.