
Publication Details

Research Paper Books Chapter in Books
13 2 1

Publications with an Impact Factor of more than three

Title Name of the Faculty Journal Name Year of Publication Impact Factor
The Effectiveness of Whey Proteins in Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: a review Dr.Madhavi Reddy Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2022 11
Integrated approach for studying bioactive compounds from cladosporium spp. Against estrogen receptor alpha as breast cancer drug target Dr.Satish A, Dr.Shivakumara C S Nature 2022 4.9
Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Phyto-Fabricated from the Obscure Morning Glory Plant Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. Dr.Satish A Molecules 2021 4.9
Facile synthesis of ZnO-Nps from yellow creeping daisy (Sphagneyicola trilobata L.) attenuates cell proliferation by inducing cellular level apoptosis against colon cancer. Dr.Satish A, Dr.Shivakumara C S Journal of King Saud University - Science 2022 4.1
Phytoconstituents of  Withania somnifera  unveiled Ashwagandhanolide as a potential drug targeting breast cancer: Investigations through computational, molecular docking and conceptual DFT studies Dr.Shivakumara C S Dr.Satish A PLoS One 2022 3.9

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