- Action Taken Report on Curriculum Feedback from Stakeholders(FOM)-2020-21
- Action Taken Report on Curriculum Feedback from Stakeholders(AH&BS)-2020-21
- Action taken report on Curriculum Feedback from stakeholders-2018-19
- Action taken report on Curriculum Feedback from stakeholders-2019-2020
- Feedback on curriculum from stake holders 2018-19
- Feedback on curriculum from stake holders 2019-2020
- Stakeholder Feedback Report on Curricular(FoM) 20-21
- Stakeholder Feedback Report on Curriculum(AH&BS)-2020-21
- Action Taken Report on Curricular Feedback 2020-21
- Sample filled student feedback CBME 2021-22
- Sample filled student feedback Non- CBME 2021-22
- Sample filled feedback form Faculty 2021-22
- Sample filled form Alumni 2021-22
- Sample filled feedback Professionals 2021-22
- Sample filled feedback Employers 2021-22
- Stakeholder feedback on curriculum FoM-2021-22
- Stakeholder Feedback on Curriculum AH&BS – 2021-22
- Action taken report on curricular feedback 2021-22
- Action taken report on curricular FoM & FAH & BS 2022-23
- Compiled curricular feedback of all stakeholders-FoM 2022-23
- Compiled curricular feedback of all stakeholders- FAH & BS 2022-23
- Compiled curricular feedback of all stakeholders-FoM 2023-24
- Compiled curricular feedback of all stakeholders- FAH & BS 2023-24